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Dry Solder Joints: How to Identify and Fix Them?

Posted:04:57 PM April 03, 2023 writer: ​NextPCB

It's essential to ensure that solder joints are made correctly in any electronics construction. Poor and dry solder joints cause equipment not to work once. Or there is a possibility that the solder joint could fail. Or it introduces noise into the electronic circuit.

While the complete failure of a joint immediately has been made is bad enough, a latent or intermittent failure can be worse as it will cause the equipment to fail once it is in service.

This article provides readers with detailed information about dry solder joints, their effects, and their preventive measures.

In this article,

What is a Dry Solder Joint?

Dry Solder Joint

A dry solder joint is a soldering defect that occurs when the solder does not properly wet or adhere to the component leads and PCB pads. It results in a weak and unreliable electrical connection. Factors such as insufficient heat, oxidized surfaces, improper soldering, or using low-quality solder cause dry joints.

It is essential to make proper solder joints in any electronic assembly. Poor solder joints can lead to immediate equipment failure or, even worse, issues or noise within the electronic circuit. Direct loss is undesirable, but latent shortcomings can be more problematic. As they cause equipment malfunctions while in use.

How to Identify Dry Solder Joints?

How to Identify Dry Solder Joints

Some common ways to identify a dry solder joint include:

Visual inspection: A dry solder joint usually has a dull, grainy, or rough appearance, unlike a shiny and smooth finish for a good solder joint. Additionally, the solder may only partially cover the pad. It flows seamlessly around the component lead.

Cracks or fractures: Over time, dry solder joints can develop cracks or fractures due to mechanical stress or thermal cycling. These cracks may be visible to the naked eye or under a magnifying lens or microscope.

Inconsistent performance: Dry solder joints can lead to the irregular implementation of the electronic device. As the electrical connection may need to be fixed. This can manifest as sudden malfunctions, glitches, or complete loss of functionality.

Physical movement: A dry solder joint may allow the component lead or wire to move slightly. This happens when it is touched or manipulated, indicating a weak mechanical connection.

What are the Effects of Dry Solder Joints?

Dry solder joints can cause unstable or intermittent electrical connections. It leads to sudden malfunctions in electronic devices. The weak electrical connections formed by dry solder joints compromise the device's reliability. This can result in premature failure or a higher likelihood of issues arising during the device's lifetime.

Besides, the dry solder joints can have higher resistance than properly wetted ones. It can lead to increased power dissipation, localized heating, and reduced efficiency. The increased resistance and poor electrical connections can lead to signal degradation, and noise in high-speed applications.

Furthermore, dry solder joints are more susceptible to mechanical stress. It can break under physical pressure or thermal cycling. And leads to a complete loss of connectivity. In some cases, dry solder joints can create unintended connections between adjacent pads or traces. It occurs due to solder bridges, causing short circuits and damage to the electronic components or the PCB.

What are the Common Causes of Dry Solder Joints?

Common Causes of Dry Solder Joints

Dry solder joints can degrade the working performance of PCB. Some of the common causes of dry solder joint are as follow:

Insufficient heat: Applying preliminary heat during soldering can prevent the solder from properly melting and flowing around the component leads and PCB pads. This can lead to a weak bond and a dry solder joint.

Oxidized surfaces: Contaminated or oxidized surfaces on the component lead or PCB can hinder proper solder wetting and adhesion. It is essential to clean the surfaces before soldering to ensure a strong bond.

Improper soldering technique: Inexperienced soldering techniques can lead to dry solder joints. Proper soldering involves heating the component lead and pad, allowing the solder to flow smoothly and create a strong bond.

Low-quality solder: Using low-quality solder or solder with an appropriate alloy composition can result in better wetting and adhesion, leading to dry solder joints.

Rapid cooling: If the solder joint cools too quickly, the solder may not have enough time to adequately wet and adhere to the surfaces, resulting in a dry joint.

Low flux: Flux removes oxidation and promotes wetting during the soldering process. Low instability or using the wrong type of flux can lead to poor solder adhesion and dry solder joints.

Preventive Measures of Dry Solder Joints

Preventive Measures of Dry Solder Joints

Dry solder joints should be addressed to prevent further issues in PCBs. Some preventive measures for dry solder joints include:

Keep surfaces clean: Ensure that component leads and PCB pads are free of dirt, grease, and oxidation. If needed, clean them using an appropriate cleaning agent like isopropyl alcohol before soldering.

Select high-quality solder: Opt for high-quality solder with suitable alloy composition and use compatible change to facilitate proper wetting and adhesion. Flux also aids in removing oxidation and contaminants during soldering.

Consider pre-tinning: Sometimes, pre-tinning component leads and PCB pads can help avoid dry solder joints. This involves applying a thin solder layer to the surfaces before soldering, promoting better wetting and adhesion in the final soldering process.

Gradual cool of solder: Let the solder joint cool down naturally and slowly without force-cooling it using a cooling agent or blowing on it. Rapid cooling may result in poor adhesion and dry solder joints.

Gain practice and experience: Like any skill, honing your soldering technique and preventing dry solder joints comes with training and experience. Regularly practice soldering and learn from experts to consistently develop the skills to create reliable solder joints.

How to Fix a Dry Solder Joint Repairing: Tips and Techniques?

Fixing a dry solder joint is an essential skill for anyone working with PCBs. Here are some tips and techniques for repairing dry solder joints effectively:

  • Make sure you work in an area with good airflow and wear protective eyewear to shield your eyes from solder fumes or splatters. Power off and disconnect the device before beginning repairs.
  • Use an appropriate cleaner, like isopropyl alcohol, to remove dirt, grime, or oxidization around the damaged solder connection. This guarantees the surfaces are prepared for re-soldering.
  • Turn it on and set it to the appropriate temperature for the solder you are using. Is around 600-700 °F or 315-370 °C for lead-based solder and slightly higher for lead-free solder.
  • Using a solder sucker or solder wick, remove the existing dry solder from the joint. Heat the joint with the soldering iron while applying the solder sucker or wick to absorb the old solder. Be careful not to use excessive heat, which can damage the PCB or component.
  • Apply a small amount of compatible flux to the joint area to promote proper wetting and adhesion during re-soldering.
  • Heat the component lead and the PCB pad simultaneously with the soldering iron, and apply a small amount of fresh solder. Allow the solder to flow smoothly around the joint, forming a shiny and smooth bond.
  • Examine the repaired joint to ensure it has a shiny and smooth appearance. It should indicate a properly wetted solder joint. Use a magnifying lens or microscope if necessary for closer inspection.
  • Once the solder joint has cooled and solidified, test the device. This should ensure the repair has resolved any issues related to the dry solder joint.


Dry solder joints can cause big problems in electronics, sometimes leading to circuits not working right or even failing completely. These happen when the solder doesn't stick well to the parts, making a weak or breakable connection. 

Thus, if you want to avoid dry solder joints, make sure to solder the right way, use good solder, and keep the right temperature while you're doing it. Checking your electronics regularly and keeping them in good shape can help you catch dry solder joints early. If you find a dry solder joint, fix it or re-solder it as soon as you can to get your circuit back to normal.

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Tag: Dry Solder Joint
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